Upcoming courses and events

Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2025 - Day 1
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 1 - Productive season prep, outdoor & undercover planting. Sowing and succession, permaculture principles and design.
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Biochar Workshop
Theory, how to make Biochar
Its application and uses
Benefits to soil life and plants

Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2025 - Day 2
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 2 - The second spring, soil health focus, making garden amendments and biofertilisers.
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Growing with permaculture
3-day residential course with camping
Full certified introduction to permaculture
Extra in-depth regenerative land skills
Three experienced teachers
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Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2025 - Day 3
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 3 - Harvesting and preserving, fermentation workshop and preparing the garden for winter.
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Building Resilience- Mixed Camp
Soil and gut health
Fermentation workshop
Green woodworking
Joanna Macey “The Work that Reconnects”
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Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2024 - Day 3
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 3 - Harvesting and preserving, fermentation workshop and preparing the garden for winter.
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Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2024 - Day 2
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 2 - The second spring, soil health focus, making garden amendments and biofertilisers.
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A Weekend of Self-Sufficiency
With Peni Ediker and Huw Richards.
Workshops, including
Soil Health
Growing Skills
And the Hungry Gap
Free Camping is available and food is provided.
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Working with Microbes for Soil Health and Fertility
With Matt Dunwell, Peni Ediker and Simon Joshua.
Using lactobacillus for cleaning and compost-making
Home-made Bokashi bran
Making SPICE foliar feed
Biochar production and inoculation
Collecting and cultivating Native Microbes
Biofertilizers - Production and application
Large-scale Bokashi production.
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Growing for Self-Sufficiency 2024 - Day 1
3 Days spread across the year.
Day 1 - Productive season prep, outdoor & undercover planting, sowing and succession, permaculture principles and design.
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Growing for self-sufficiency 2023 - Day 3
3 days spread across the year
Day 3 - Preparing the garden for winter, harvesting and preserving, learning and exploring the art of fermentation. This is a hands-on fermentation workshop.
“The course was inspirational, informative and jam packed with Peni’s enthusiasm for growing, the interconnectedness of things, and eating home produced food. I came away from the course with lots of information and practical skills to put into practise in my own garden. Highly recommended.” Cassandra Lishman 2022
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Building Resilience Camps 2023 - Women’s Camp
"An amazing weekend, led by 2 amazing women, filled with lots of different activities allowing lots of learning to be had! Also, an incredible way to see the OPD scheme in action." Finn 2021
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Building Resilience Camps 2023 - Mixed Camp
"An amazing weekend, led by 2 amazing women, filled with lots of different activities allowing lots of learning to be had! Also, an incredible way to see the OPD scheme in action." Finn 2022
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Growing for self-sufficiency 2023 - Day 2
3 days spread across the year
Day 2 - Preparing for the second spring, soil health and garden amendments/bio fertilisers.
“The course was inspirational, informative and jam packed with Peni’s enthusiasm for growing, the interconnectedness of things, and eating home produced food. I came away from the course with lots of information and practical skills to put into practise in my own garden. Highly recommended.” Cassandra Lishman 2022
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A hands-on practical course on preserving vegetables & fruit.
You will learn how to make salt-brined vegetables, sauerkraut, kimchi and fermented drinks.
“An excellent practical, very much hands-on course, delivered in a delightful productive setting by a very well-informed and illuminating tutor. Plus delicious goodies to take away. What's not to like? “ Johnathan Shorland 2022
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Growing for self-sufficiency 2023 - Day 1
3 days spread across the year
Day 1 - Preparing for the growing season outdoors and undercover
The course was inspirational, informative and jam packed with Peni’s enthusiasm for growing, the interconnectedness of things, and eating home-produced food. I came away from the course with lots of information and practical skills to put into practice in my own garden. Highly recommended.” Cassandra Lishman 2022
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Growing for self-sufficiency - Day 3
3 days spread across the year
Day 3 - Harvesting, preserving & ferment making
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Growing for self-sufficiency - Day 2
3 days spread across the year
Day 2 - Preparing for the second spring, soil health, compost making & fertilisers
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Building Resilience Young Women's Camp (16-21yrs)
2 days learning and exploring…

Growing for self-sufficiency - day 1
3 days spread across the year
Day 1 - Preparing for the growing season outdoors and undercover
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We are running only a few courses and events at the moment due to the pandemic. This page will be updated when the situation changes.
Previous events have included:
Wassail and singing workshop in the orchard
Building Resilience, for 14-19 year olds
Biofertilisers with Matt Dunwell of Ragmans Farm
Forest School play days in the woods
Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects
Singing days and other musical events
We will offer events again as soon as it is safe to do so.
Cyrsiau a Digwyddiadau
Nid ydym yn cynnal unrhyw gyrsiau na digwyddiadau ar hyn o bryd oherwydd y pandemig. Bydd y dudalen hon yn cael ei diweddaru pan fydd y sefyllfa'n newid.
Ymhlith y digwyddiadau roedd:
Gweithdy Wassail a chanu yn y berllan
Adeiladu Gwydnwch, ar gyfer pobl ifanc 14-19 oed
Biofertilisers gyda Matt Dunwell o Ragmans Farm
Diwrnodau chwarae Ysgol Goedwig yn y coed
Gwaith Joanna Macy sy'n Ailgysylltu
Diwrnodau canu a digwyddiadau cerddorol eraill
Byddwn yn cynnig digwyddiadau eto cyn gynted ag y bydd yn ddiogel gwneud hynny.
Become A Volunteer
If you would like to come and help out on our plot, we are a host member of the Workaway scheme which links up volunteers with hosts who can offer food, accommodation, teaching and cultural exchange.